Craft stories that help young people thrive

What’s New at CSS

BORROW MY EYES: An Oral History Series About Teen Friendship and Social Media

Borrow My Eyes is a project that invites adolescents to offer a first-person account of their daily social media use patterns and, especially, how they use social media to maintain their friendships on and offline. Click here to learn to learn more about Borrow My Eyes.

The AIR 2.5 Report highlights case studies of selected movies to provide holistic insight into titles that scored highly on AIR. Our findings from this follow-up highlight the value of continuing this research to understand the full scale of AIR. Click here to learn more about the AIR 2.5 Report.

AIR 2.5 Report

Toolkit for Storytellers: Character Strengths in Adolescent Programming

Storytellers can help adolescents thrive and grow by authentically promoting character strengths in media. This Toolkit for Storytellers focuses on three character strengths: curiosity, gratitude, and humility. Click here to view the toolkit.

Get to Know Us

I founded CSS to build a bridge between the siloed worlds of researchers, content creators and young people.
— Dr. Yalda T. Uhls, Founding Director

As a former movie executive, I know there are passionate creators who want to have positive impact with their storytelling. Our understanding of the creative process and the business of storytelling informs our approach.

Some of the Ways We Can Partner With You
